
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Just An Epigram


Surely someone have already said that before,


If you have enough power of will each and every time to act in accordance with your best judgment then you will not regret anything in life and yours is the world, I Believe.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

VHDL - Using Image attribute to report value of scalar types.

Here is example of how to report values of scalar type to console. This maybe handy for unit test and first stages of code development. For serious test benches other approaches should be considered maybe something like - (

Any way this is example of how it works:

library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all;

entity test is
end entity;

architecture test of test is

signal signal_a: std_logic;
signal signal_b: boolean;
signal signal_c: natural;
signal signal_d: std_logic_vector(1 downto 0);


signal_a <= '0';
signal_c <= 567;
signal_d <= "11";

test_proc:process is
report "signal signal_a is " & std_logic'image(signal_a);
report "signal signal_b is " & boolean'image(signal_b);
report "signal signal_c is " & natural'image(signal_c);
report "signal signal_d is " &
wait for 100 ns;
end process;

And the results:

# ** Note: signal signal_a is '0'
# Time: 100 ns Iteration: 0 Instance: /test
# ** Note: signal signal_b is false
# Time: 100 ns Iteration: 0 Instance: /test
# ** Note: signal signal_c is 567
# Time: 100 ns Iteration: 0 Instance: /test
# ** Note: signal signal_d is 3
# Time: 100 ns Iteration: 0 Instance: /test

Saturday, August 6, 2011

How to export windows search results to Excel.

Technorati Tags: ,,

You can use “sysExplorter” utility to do that.

This tool allows you to -

…grab the data stored in standard
list-views, tree-views, list boxes, combo boxes, text-boxes, and
WebBrowser/HTML controls from almost any application running on your
system, and export it to text…

Search of what ever you wish, when search is finished run this utility. Find the search in the upper window of the utility, choose it, the results will appear in the lower window. Select all the results from the lower window, copy it. Open excel and past the results there, that’s it.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

In everything I seek to grasp… - Poem by Boris Pasternak.

One of my best loved poems. I read this poem in Russian, I think the translation is OK, but may be not really.

I am really perplexed by two opposites of the poem on one hand it fells simple, poem flows very naturally and generates vivid images yet the every day words are used intricately and originally conveying those images concisely and precisely:

“…О, если бы я только мог Хотя отчасти, Я написал бы восемь строк О свойствах страсти. О беззаконьях, о грехах, Бегах, погонях, Нечаянностях впопыхах, Локтях, ладонях…”

[ Oh, if my skill did but suffice After a fashion, In eight lines I'd anatomize The parts of passion. I'd write of sins, forbidden fruit, Of chance-seized shadows; Of hasty flight and hot pursuit, Of palms, of elbows.]




In everything I seek to grasp
The fundamental:
The daily choice, the daily task,
The sentimental.

To plumb the essence of the past,
The first foundations,
The crux, the roots, the inmost hearts,
The explanations.

And, puzzling out the weave of fate,
Events observer,
To live, feel, love and meditate
And to discover.

Oh, if my skill did but suffice
After a fashion,
In eight lines I'd anatomize
The parts of passion.

I'd write of sins, forbidden fruit,
Of chance-seized shadows;
Of hasty flight and hot pursuit,
Of palms, of elbows.

Define its laws and origin
In terms judicial,
Repeat the names it glories in,
And the initials.

I'd sinews strain my verse to shape
Like a trim garden:
The limes should blossom down the nape,
A double cordon.

My verse should breathe the fresh-clipped hedge,
Roses and meadows
And mint and new-mown hay and sedge,
The thunder's bellows.

As Chopin once in his etudes
Miraculously conjured
Parks, groves, graves and solitudes-
A living wonder.

The moment of achievement caught
Twixt sport and torment…
A singing bowstring shuddering taut,
A stubborn bow bent.
Во всем мне
хочется дойти До самой сути.
В работе,в поисках пути,
В сердечной смуте.

До сущности протекших дней,
До их причины,
До оснований, до корней,
До сердцевины.

Всё время схватывая нить
Судеб, событий,
Жить, думать, чувствовать, любить,
Свершать открытья.

О, если бы я только мог
Хотя отчасти,
Я написал бы восемь строк
О свойствах страсти.

О беззаконьях,о грехах,
Бегах, погонях,
Нечаянностях впопыхах,

Я вывел бы ее закон,
Ее начало,
И повторял ее имен

Я б разбивал стихи, как сад.
Всей дрожью жилок
Цвели бы липы в них подряд,
Гуськом, в затылок.

В стихи б я внес дыханье роз,
Дыханье мяты,
Луга, осоку, сенокос,
Грозы раскаты.

Так некогда Шопен вложил
Живое чудо
Фольварков, парков, рощ, могил
В свои этюды.

Достигнутого торжества
Игра и мука -
Натянутая тетива
Тугого лука.

How to restore Bookmarks in FireFox5

Interestingly it took me some time to figure out how to do this.

A little prologue here,

Previously I had Firefox 3, before I formatted my PC I just saved my whole folder of Firefox3 with everything in it (Laziness…) I was sure I would be able to restore my bookmarks somehow in future out of this stored folder.

After I had formatted my computer, and installed Firefox 5 I restore my bookmarks this way -

First: I located backed up bookmarks files in Firefox3 stored folder here they are:

Mozilla –> E:\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\h1ga50qq.default\bookmarkbackups.

There are several files with extension json, like “bookmarks-2011-06-16.json”.

Second: Now open Firefox 5, Go to:

Bookmarks –> Show all bookmarks –> Import and Back up –> Restore –> Choose file.

You will be prompted to choose some “.json” file, choose “bookmarks-2011-06-16.json” from location in Firefox 3.

And That’s it.

Lolita – Book by Vladimir Nabokov.

I have just finished hearing Lolita, No doubt it's interesting and unusual book, also the story feels relatively simple, the book is unique due to to fact that we glance at the soul of the narrator to his disgusting but fascinating personality. The book really conveys his character it seem that we understand what kind of man the narrator is. How selfish and cruel he is...
The language is very nice and elegant.